Saturday, August 23, 2008


Pills presently seem to negotiate between the consistent struggle between my maniac and depressive episodes. These pills help. Well I can say that they help, but they could be an placebo's placebo. They could be a fake of a fake. I just could be believing that these pills are working but down to the biochemical level all I am receiving is mere sugar.

Life over the past couple weeks have been fairly hectic psychologically for me. I will be starting school here in a couple of days so I am about to find out how these pills have affected my ability to concentrate and stay on task.I have also received a job at the UAA library which is such a blessing. I believe through the combination of pills, psychotherapy and faith my longing for stability will be fulfilled.


Red pill
Blue pill
Green pill
White pill

Go to the pharmacy to gain a refill.

Pop the red one when your ill
Pop the blue pill when your well.

Save the green one when your off to bed
Pop the white pill to regain your head.
You alter the conductor of my mind.
Sometimes I wish you were not there
I wish for those highs but I still cringe in fear
of depression.
at times you are my savior
at others you are a mere inconvenience
Although I do not readily understand your methods
I trust in your colours.